Changing Lives, One Pair at a Time

In just about any dresser drawer, one can find a pair of eyeglasses that are no longer being used. That same pair of eyeglasses can change another person’s life.

Lions Recycle for Sight

Lions Recycle for Sight is a Lion’s project which collects unwanted spectacles and recycles them for re-distribution to people who would not otherwise have access to spectacles. Lions Clubs in the UK and from other European countries including France, Germany, Greece, Spain and Switzerland participate in this project. Spectacles that are collected by Lions Clubs in the UK are passed to the Lions Clubs in Midhurst and Chichester who coordinate the spectacle collections and sort and remove broken ones. The spectacles are then packed for transportation to Medico France in Le Havre.

At Medico France, spectacles from all over Europe are washed and cleaned before being sorted, graded and then placed in plastic wallets. They are then sent to Lions Clubs, mainly in Africa, who manage the distribution to those people who need them.

Medico France has three full-time employees and is managed by French Lions, who also carry out all the administration at no cost. Funding is from French Lions Clubs and elsewhere, including Lions Clubs International Foundation.

Chichester and Midhurst Lions Clubs receive about 70 boxes per week and, as a result, send between 350,000 and 400,000 pairs of spectacles each year to Medico France, after rejecting those that have broken or damaged frames or scratched lenses.

The Lions Club of Witham and District takes an active part in this project and have done for some years now.

Please help us with this project by donating your unwanted spectacles. unfortunately we cannot recycle the cases, all we ask is that you wrap them or put them in an envelope to protect them.

You can leave them, in our labelled collection boxes, at the following locations at any time during their opening hours:

Boots Opticians – The Grove Shopping Centre, Witham,

Witham Health Centre – 4 Mayland Road, Witham,

Eye Syte – 43 High Street, Kelvedon.

If you live outside our area we will be pleased to help you identify somewhere to leave or send your spectacles:

For more details, please contact us on 0845 8332758

or visit the website