Start of the autumn 2024

We would like to say a massive thank you to members Lorraine, Helen and Phil Lisamore and Leo’s Daisy and Ethan for attending and supporting this onion glean.

We filled 96 trays of onions, approx 2000 kgs in weight from Russell’s Farm, these will be distributed by Fareshare.

And to top this, we have smashed our record, 100 ton of fruit and veg gleaned around the UK since starting this project in November 2019.

Another fantastic gleaning day.

71 sacks of Cox’s apples, 1500 kgs plus what we brought home ourselves which have been dropped off at the parish pantry and two local nursery’s.

12 people which consisted of two Lion’s and two Leo’s.

This produce will be heading to City Harvest London and Still Good Food charities.

Pears for Still Good Food Charity

Thank you to Lorraine and Leo’s Daisy and Ethan for attending this glean.

This was for Still Good Food Charity, 16 of us picked 78 sacks of pears in 1 hr 30 mins. Approx weight 1400 kgs.

This fruit will be distributed around the Bury St Edmunds area.

Week 4

Felixstowe Lions Lorraine & Dave joined up with other volunteers to continue gleaning an orchard west of Bury St Edmunds for Still Good Food.

This time it was Cox’s apples and Conference pears.

In 2 hrs 30 mins 14 volunteers filled 70 sacks that will be distributed by Still Good Food and 32 crates that have come back to Felixstowe for distribution to local food banks.

Massive thanks again to Roz for allowing us to bring our van this weekend and being able to distribute this produce in our town.