Are you a singer or band? We are looking for music for our flagship Christmas ‘lighting up’ afternoon in the middle of Felixstowe on Saturday 30th November. We are looking for people to do a 15/20/25 minute…
Last years outgoing President , Lion Jan Willis , is shown passing the chain of office onto the new President for this year, Lion Peter Cooke.We all wish Peter a great year.
Thank you to everyone that supported our annual Easter egg hunt at The Hut (Spa Gardens) today, although the weather was cloudy and windy we still managed to give away 126 eggs. Also congratulations to Hannah (last…
Last Saturday we held our annual pig race. A great night had by all as always, thankyou to everyone that supported the evening. Pleased to announce we made a whooping £2342.70 for charity. We would like to…
Felixstowe Lions, the Rotary Club of Felixstowe and Save the Children are again joining together to bring Christmas cheer and raise funds for worthy causes.Santa and his helpers do their best to visit as many streets as…
We had another Antiques sale on the triangle in Felixstowe town centre and sold £306.00 worth ofitems. Thank you.
On Tuesday there was the Golf day which was raising money for the East Anglian Air Ambulance. Agood day was had by all and the winning team was The Mulligan Boys. The day raised £796.00.Thank you all…
The Lions arranged for some families from Felixstowe to go on a day out. The main day was bookedthrough Great Yarmouth Lions Club, where the day started at Yarmouth horse stadium. The kidswere treated to an entertainer…
Where has that year gone! The thought from our now past President David Cole, who on Monday 3rd July handed over to new President Jan Willis. Lion David Cole has had a fantastic year meeting people and…
Thank you to the generosity of the sales at the Triangle, we raised £250.00 on 10th June and £283.70 on 1st July. Come and join us at the Triangle on 5th August and 9th September. Also, the…